Envie de faire le point sur votre vie ?

My goal is to guide you in building a life that fully reflects what is important to you, so that you can finally live a fulfilling and serene existence !

Here you will find free resources that will help you start your journey of self-discovery ⭐️

I suggest you open a new notebook and take a pen.
The pages of this notebook are blank. This notebook is in your hands .

Today, in this notebook, you will write your own story.
The one you really want to experience.

The title of this notebook is Opportunities and the first chapter is Dare.

Architecte de ta vie - Le Blog
Architecte de ta vie - Le Podcast
Bienvenue sur le Podcast Unique
Architecte de ta vie - La Web

Do you feel a little lost among all these resources 🤯?
You can go to this page which groups the content of the site by theme (Values, Talents, Self-Confidence):
Self-Knowledge – List of resources 

Architecte de ta vie - La Tribu

Become who you are

- Nietzsche

But actually… who are you?

Ah yes... I forgot to introduce myself...


Hello !

I'm Houefa


I help employees find meaning in their work and their lives . To do this, I work on the emergence of their personal values ​​and their natural talents so that these people can live in harmony with themselves and their environment.

My ambition is to help you overcome obstacles to achieve your goals and dreams and thus enjoy your life while being yourself and happy to say it!

Living is the rarest thing, most people just exist

- Oscar Wilde

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