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The Day I Truly Loved Myself

Dernière mise à jour de l'article le 17 October 2024


The day I truly loved myself, I realized that my anxiety and emotional suffering were nothing but signals alerting me when I was going against my own convictions. Today, I know this is called “Authenticity.”

The day I truly loved myself, I began to see the harm in forcing a situation or a person just to get what I wanted, knowing very well that neither the person nor I were ready and that it wasn’t the right time. Today, I know this is called “Respect.”

The day I truly loved myself, I stopped wishing for a different life and began to see that everything happening to me contributes to my personal growth. Today, I know this is called “Maturity.”

The day I truly loved myself, I stopped being afraid of free time and quit making grand plans and huge future projects. Today, I do what feels right, what I love, when I want, and at my own pace. Today, I know this is called “Simplicity.”

The day I truly loved myself, I began to free myself from everything that wasn’t good for me—people, situations, anything that drained my energy. At first, my mind called this selfishness. Today, I know this is called “Self-Love.”

The day I truly loved myself, I stopped needing to always be right and realized how often I had been wrong. Today, I discovered “Humility.”

The day I truly loved myself, I understood that my mind could deceive and disappoint me. But when I put it in service of my heart, it became a valuable ally. All of this is called “Wisdom.”

We shouldn’t be afraid to confront ourselves. From chaos, stars are born. Today, I know this is called “Life!”

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I am a professional coach, guiding employees who are questioning their careers to find jobs that align with their personal values 🧭 and natural talents 🌟. Take control of your life and become the architect of your future 🍃. If you are questioning your career or unsure about the next step in your life, contact me!

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