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Blogging - Image à la Une - Identifier ses valeurs personnelles - La liste de valeurs

Identifying your values: The list of values

Dernière mise à jour de l'article le 18 October 2024


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✨ Et si vous commenciez par un test en ligne pour identifier vos valeurs les plus essentielles ? Faites le premier pas vers une vie plus alignée en cliquant ici : Identifier ses valeurs.

In the quest for well-being and personal fulfilment, one of the first steps is to identify our values. These fundamental elements guide our choices, our actions and define the very substance of who we are.

This article proposes a method to help you identify your values and better understand why they are important in your life. Discover how this introspection and reconnection with your values can be the catalyst for a powerful personal transformation and help you navigate the many facets of your life with confidence.

What do values represent?

According to psychologist Shalom Schwartz, a value is a personal conviction that we consider to be important to us. A value is an essential benchmark that we use to make our choices and guide our actions.

It’s what builds our identity.

And as Jean-Paul Sartre so aptly put it: “Values are the meaning we choose to give to our lives”.

By the way, if you want to find out more about the theory of values proposed by Shalom Schwartz, I invite you to listen to episode 84 of the podcast Le Quart d’Heure d’Inspir’Action, entitled the theory of basic values according to Shalom Schwartz.

What are values for?

Our values are an inexhaustible source of energy. This fuel gets us moving and motivates us to act.

The skills and behaviours we adopt are influenced by our values. Identifying our values enables us to become aware of them and develop a better understanding of ourselves. Generally, when a behaviour or situation irritates us or makes us feel uncomfortable, it’s because one of our values is not being met or respected.

Knowing our values helps us to better understand the situations in which we feel demotivated or dissatisfied, particularly in the professional world. In this way, we can take a step back from certain everyday situations and refocus on ourselves.

There are no good or bad values.
However, for the same value, people can behave in diametrically different ways.

How can you identify your values?

Here’s a short 3-step exercise to help you identify your main values.

Although it’s difficult to identify your values in just a few hours, this first approach will help you to make an initial selection.

1 –First of all, make an appointment with yourself!

Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed during this exercise.

2 –Next, make an initial scan of the list of values.

You will find a list of values (not exhaustive) by clicking here: List of values.

Select, without filter, the values that speak to you, describe you, inspire you… Some words may not be values for you. Don’t worry, just focus on the ones that resonate with you.

Go through the list twice.

At this stage, you’ve already made an initial selection – well done!

How do you identify your Personal Values?
To read the article later, don’t hesitate to pin it on Pinterest 📌

3 –Now, you’re going to go back to the list of values you’ve selected and reread them one by one, calmly and, reflecting on the value concerned. Ask yourself these 2 questions: “What made me select this value?” “How is this value important to me?”.

Certain past events may come to mind. Situations that have upset you, made you angry or, on the contrary, brought you joy. Analyse these events and ask yourself whether or not they are linked to one of your values.

Do this exercise for all the values you have previously selected. Choose the ones that are really important to you.

Iterate until you have ten or so values.

If you’re having trouble sorting the values, ask yourself a few questions:

  • In what situations do you feel good? Which values are satisfied in these situations?
  • In what situations do you feel uncomfortable? What values are impacted/not satisfied in these situations?
  • What behaviours do you dislike? What values are affected by these behaviours?

Don’t hesitate to make another appointment with yourself and review this list, which may evolve over time.

You now know your values. Next, we’ll look at how to build on these values to develop greater awareness and knowledge of yourself, others and your environment.

More in the next episode!

La formation pour vivre une vie plus alignée avec vos valeurs

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I am a professional coach, guiding employees who are questioning their careers to find jobs that align with their personal values 🧭 and natural talents 🌟. Take control of your life and become the architect of your future 🍃. If you are questioning your career or unsure about the next step in your life, contact me!

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